Saturday, 16 March 2013

Graduation Card Preparation

If you are my previous reader, I know you would understand how much I love having a craft design project. It, at least, give me the feeling of success.
However, my drawing is not good and I need much mores time than others to prepare. Usually, a project might at least takes me two days to think and finish. For a bigger one, minimum requires three whole days.

I enjoy the pleasure that art brings me. Those abstract ideas are always open-ended. There is no right or wrong in art, depending on how you judge it. The most important thing is YOU THINK IT IS GOOD. If you don't love it, no one will.

As my dearest friend is going to have his graduation while I'm away to Hong Kong, of course, I had to do something apart from trying to FaceTime everyone on that day. Therefore, preparing a card seems a must. And, flowers definitely. Hopefully, the florist won't ripe us off.

Okay, here is process of preparing my 'pure word' graduation card.


  1. I was honestly amazed with how well this blog was done, beautiful layout, professional writing, great job! From Harry

    1. Thanks Harry :)
      Love the appreciations!!
