Monday, 5 August 2013

Movie Night - Assault on Wall Street

Sunday Night usually is our relaxing night. Just coincidently, I bought my iMac few days ago which makes everyone quite excited about it. Another coincident was two of our friends said they want to come over for some beer/chat. Therefore, the boy suggested to have a movie night. 

As I am still new to iMac, usually I have my movies in rmvb format which uses up less space than others. However, we just discovered that rmvb format is not supported on it, I have to download some softwares later in order to play my rmvb format movies. So while playing them other movies, I rushed into the study room to download some thrill-movies. One of them is Assuault on Wall Street. To be honest, this is totally crap!!! Nothing thrill at all!! Please check out the trailer above, with the intense and staccato-style of soundtrack, the trailer exactly brings the tense and you would like to find out what will happen in the movie. With disappointment, this movie is slow, keep talking about financial crisis which (maybe) some of the American have faced or are still facing. Not until the last 20 minutes of the movie, there is some shootings and killings. Basically, the whole movie is like a documentary showing how people suffered in financial debts and someone (who is the main character here) started to do crazy things. I couldn't find anything that is assaulting the Wall Street. 

Frankly, nothing thrill, no interesting things, no climax as you can even guess the ending, this movie totally fail. 

Quite disappointed for a movie night like this. 
But no worries, we will watch The Woman in Black tonight, which I quite enjoy last time. 
Tell you how my housemates think about it next time. 


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